News & Resources Green Concludes Year as President of the Nash-Rocky Mount Rotary Club
June 20, 2013
David W. Green, partner at Battle Winslow, recently was recognized for his service as 2012-2013 President of the Nash-Rocky Mount Rotary Club. The Club is an organization of business and professional leaders from the Eastern North Carolina communities of Rocky Mount and Nash County and is a member of Rotary International. Rotary International is a worldwide organization that provides humanitarian service and encourages high ethical standards in all vocations.
During his year as President, Green led the Club’s weekly meetings and continued the Club’s tradition of local service projects. The Club sponsored an essay contest for local 7th and 8th grade students that participate in the Communities in Schools program. The winning students, their parents and teachers were recognized for their accomplishment and treated to lunch. The Club also sponsors an annual Thanksgiving Basket project in which club members personally deliver baskets of Thanksgiving meal supplies to underprivileged families.